Quick Facts:
Name: Glam Pearl Gloss
Color: RD 101
Brand: Missha
Price : 5,600KRW
Tube Height: 3 inches without cap

(Yes, those are sparkles!! Pearl glitter, as they call it.)
In real life the tube color shows up more reddish, much like the color swatch on the box, except a bit pinker. It's kind of like this:

On my lips it's more of a hot pink, though the actual intensity depends on how much you apply. I swatched very thin layers, so it came out more like a faint hot pink:

This brings me to my next two points, which explain why my first attempt at swatching ended up so thin:
- Texture: The texture is goopy, and it feels somewhat sticky on the lips as well.
- Brush: Look closely, for the brush is not actually brush! Aside from a few stray hairs, most of the bristles are stiffly stuck together. So really, it's more like a pointy spatula.
Continuing on:
Pigmentation: Medium. This gloss is not sheer persay, because even one thin layer brought my zombie lips to life (see above).
Scent: Fruity yumminess.
Glossy? Sparkly? Check and double check!
Pics in Action:
In the following pictures I carelessly glopped on a lot, so while the camera still doesn't pick up the true hot-pinkness of it, you can still see that my lips are veeerrryyy shiny and reflective now! Muah~

I'm also excited to say that I finally woke up early enough to take these photos with late afternoon sunlight! (Nocturnal...) The downside to fluorescent lighting is that it can be so harsh. All my facial curvature washes away and I end up looking quite 2D! Natural lighting is much softer; me likey~!
Though, I should mention that I forgot to reset my camera brightness after turning it to negative earlier that day, which is why I look a bit grey here. I'm not grey in real life, I swear I swear!

So I'm not quite sure why I look so sad and lifeless in most of these photos. I was in a really good mood! Perhaps it's because of the black lenses; supposedly they make you look soulless. Or is it my straight eyebrows? I can't wait for them to grow out so I can groom and bleach them again. Sigh, if only they'd grow faster!
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