Brand: Coreana/Senite [코리아나/세니떼]
Name: Polynesian Intensive Cream [폴리네시안 인텐시브 크림]
Amount: 50mL
Price in Korea: 35,000KRW
Price on Koreadepart: $34.79 + free gift (click here)

About the Brand: Coreana is one of the leading Korean cosmetic companies (ranked top 40 in sales in the world). Under this company are several different brands, including Ten Seconds and Senite.
About the Line: The Polynesian Intensive line is focused on moisture and nutrition, and one of its focal points is the “Polynesian Skin Renewal Complex.” In it are four natural ingredients which are native to the Polynesian region and have been used for many years in beauty and skin treatments/remedies:

About the Cream: I mentioned already that this particular cream is a bestseller. Utilizing collagen encapsulation and ‘nanotechnology’, this nutrient-rich, water-based cream absorbs quickly. It also improves skin texture and elasticity. In fact, it’s nicknamed “Mochi Cream” because it makes the inside of your skin soft and bouncy—like mochi!

Ah, medium-range packaging~! The reflective paperboard box is thicker than what most cute cosmetics come in.

[ Width: 6.4cm | Depth: 6.7cm | Height: 6.5cm ]
In the next pic you can see that the inside of the box is lined with thin cardboard. It also includes a brochure with English on one side and Korean on the other:

The tub itself is also very sturdy...and heavy!

Three words: lightweight, fluffy, and non-oily. It’s lightweight because it doesn’t feel heavy on your skin. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a concentrated cream, but there’s absolutely no residual feeling. (This goes hand in hand with the fact that it’s not oily.) It’s fluffy because it’s not a dense texture, unlike this cream from Etude which is veeeery densely packed.

Here I’ve applied an ample amount:

Absorption: I usually put the bare minimum cream on, and in that case there’s little wait time in absorbing (on my forehead and nose at least, since those are the driest parts of my face). Now if I apply an abundant amount of cream, I do get a bit of residual stickiness at first. But either way, it still absorbs fairly quickly.
How it Feels: After it absorbs, my face feels powdery-soft, smooth, and matte. Absolutely no greasy residue, just moisture! Mochi is definitely an *excellent* way to describe it! This feeling lasts all through the next morning. Overall, it really feels as though it’s sealing in the moisture, which is the purpose of a cream after all.

Sorry I have no before/after photos this time. Moisture and nutrition are kind of hard to photograph! >.<
BUT, I have used it for about a month now and I do think that the cream has improved my skin’s texture slightly. It definitely adds that extra oomph of powdery-softness. After continued use, my skin now feels like that most of the time! On any average day--even if I go unwashed--my skin feels almost as soft and smooth as it does right after applying the cream. My skin was always soft, but not this soft, I don't think...

The nickname “Mochi Cream” is extremely befitting! I feel wrong saying this, but it does “feel” more expensive than my Etude and Tony Moly creams! The ones I've tried were either heavyweight or had an oily feel to it, but this formula feels quite unique: it's very lightweight and non-oily, yet does an amazing job at softening and locking in moisture. I don’t think I’ll be able to settle for just any cream anymore! My cheeks really do feel like Mochi~!

I am very grateful to Koreadepart for letting me try this cream! I told you they had a large selection~ Low end, high end, cute, serious, everything and anything! I'm also very grateful that they haven't yelled at me for being a slowpoke reviewer..! >.<
What creams have you tried and liked?
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