Today I stumbled upon a flickr account filled with these type of doll photos. I fell in love and had to just share some of them. It’s owned by a Korean girl—I’m assuming it’s a girl—and she also has a website, but I wasn’t able to gather any pictures from there. All the credit goes to her and her amazing photography and makeup skills!

Love her hair in this one:

I cannot even begin to describe how much I love this one:

And this one. Omg, her outfit!

And I've saved my favorite for last.
Her pose is a bit more spirited than the rest~

I must confess; dolls inspire me. Is that so weird? Is it so bad that I want to look like one?
(I mean, obviously I have my limitations; I know that much! ^^ But it still makes a nice concept for photos, you have to agree~)
To be honest, the fact I’m inspired by dolls (and want to look like one) is something I am reluctant to admit. My experiences are that most people who aren’t into Asian fashion and culture don’t take kindly to the idea of looking innocent or dolly--or at least, their concept of cute is quite different.
These are the same people who think I’m trying to look white for bleaching my hair, who sneer at the idea of “colored contact lenses”, or who give Valeria Lukyanova a hard time. (Although I’m actually quite impartial to her—and she is indeed a veeery extreme example—I do feel that a lot of the mocking that she gets demonstrates the mindset I’m referring to.)
I guess I’m partially just ranting here; part of me still feels insecure to admit it publicly. But that’s one reason I created this blog, to find people with similar interests across the world~! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who loves dolls or wants to look very dolly, right? >:)
So does anyone know what these types of dolls are called, or where I can find an internet stash of photos?!
Has anyone else gotten that vibe/experience from people as well?
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