Quick Facts:
Brand: Etude House
Name: Proof 10 Mascara: Super Washable
Number: 2*, Long Lash Washable
Size, Height: 8g, 14.2cm
Price : 10,000KRW

Lengthening Ability:

If you look closely, it the mascara didn't seem to actually lengthen my lashes all that much; if anything, it just defined them! It darkened the fine ends of my lashes so that my lashes appeared longer, but really, it was just definition and not quite lengthening.
“It’s tough against water, yet washes off easily with warm water,” the saleslady said. Pah, Imagine my disbelief! Surely she was mistaken, what with all the stress from the busy holidays...
But nope, she was right after all! Basically, it goes like this:

- If you get water or sweat on it, it pretty much stays put so long as you don’t touch it.
- However, the SECOND you touch it though, it smudges off completely. It comes off VERY easily (and painlessly) with just warm water. It’s actually easier than using makeup
You can't tell, butin the “wet” picture below, I had sprayed my eyelids with so much water that my face dripped. You'll notice that except for a minor bit of clumping, the mascara was unchanged!

▲In the third/above picture you can see that since I hadn’t curled my lashes, some of the wet mascara strands rubbed off after touching my lower eyelid when I blinked…so be careful of that!
Curl-Holding Ability:
You can see it doesn’t hold curl very well; it basically removes all traces of me having curled my lashes at all. I have been luckier on some days though.

Personal Thoughts/Notes to Self: Based on its mild lengthening effect and mediocre curl-holding ability, I’ll reckon this as a very, let's say, natural mascara. I prefer extra OOMPH, so I'll be scouting around after this tube is finished. (I think you can get cheaper and more dramatic mascaras in drug stores?) I must say though, I am quite awed by its water-resistance, despite how painlessly it comes off with warm water!
:*:・。,☆゚'・:*:・ 。,:*:・。,☆:*:
Hope that was helpful! If you've any questions, feel free to ask ^^
Toodles, I shall now go fling my limbs erratically to the chorus of this song~~
Toodles, I shall now go fling my limbs erratically to the chorus of this song~~

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