Aw, today Oppa and I spent some quality time together! ♥
It was so fun! Guess what we were doing? Making nails!
Halloween is approaching, and I wanted something festively different for my sausage fingertips. But alas, Yukiumi no longer carries Halloween nails! I was left no choice but to make my own. >.<
Who would have thought that Oppa would voluntarily sit down next to me and patiently help me mold and paint for the next few hours! (Yes, it took me several hours! Total newb, that's why.) I never thought I'd have a boyfriend who would be so into making nails with me! ^^
I think the nails turned out pretty OK for two amateurs! You can tell it's homemade though...

I take no credit for the design (at least I'm honest....) I improvised off a few magazine designs. While we were making the nails, Oppa noticed that one of the magazine models had big front teeth.
He then proceeded to explain to me that "the Japanese trademark is their rabbit teeth. Here, you know what Koreans think of Japanese? We draw Japanese people like this:

Rabbit teeth, and those big shoes, you know?"
So funnyyyy, what the heck is that?!?! I don't even know what to say. In return, I drew him this picture of Korean people:

"Actually, that does look like Korean!" he said. Damn right it does!
Oppa also made clay figurines of us two:

Aww, it's so cuteeee~~! I love his little fat feet and his pointy acorn head~! I also like how he couldn't figure out how to do my hair, so he gave me a heart to compensate my baldness. Overall very cute right? :)
He said, "You see your hands? They were actually meant to be boobs...But since they look like, I think I'll just leave it."

All in all though, I had a good evening! Halloween nails, laughs, giggles, and sweet cheek kisses. Teeheehee.
Nighty night!

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