Dermaline Skin Whitening Cream and Diana Stalder Skin Whitening / Lightening Cream have been proven to be two of the best effective skin bleaching creams because of the added potency of nature's active ingredients. A black skin bleaching cream is a popular keyword search so this may be your skin bleaching creme solution too. Active Ingredient: arbutin, tyrostat, kojic acid, licorice extract, retinol, Vitamin C, lactic acid Shelf life and storage: Two years after opening or 3 years after manufacturing date. Store in a cool, dry place, away from the sun, extreme temperature & humidity. Dermaline Skin Whitening Cream and Diana Stalder Whitening / Lightening Cream are the most potent of all the topical skin bleaching / skin lightening / skin whitening products endorsed on this site. Unlike commercial whitening creams in the market, this cream has a high potency of all the active ingredients of Dermaline / Diana Stalder products combined. Best for facial and targeted dark skin spots use (dark knees, elbows, underarms, inner thighs, knuckles, etc). Apply very thinly on affected area, whether on face or body. A thin application is enough because of its strong concentration as a whitening formula. For a smoother (and thinner) application, apply on damp skin to also allow better absorption. The following weeks of usage will be determined by your comfort level of handling the normal stinging or burning sensation. If your skin is sensitive, use only 2-3X a week at first, then see if you can handle more frequent usage. If you choose to try it for the body, use as directed above. Use your common sense in determining the frequency of usage. You can skip for a day or two if uncomfortable with the sting feeling. Just like other skin bleaching products, it may cause burning, itching, peeling, redness and irritation due to the active ingredients. Skin peeling is an essential part of the skin whitening process. Discontinue or decrease usage if excessive irritation occurs. Continue with the regimen once the burning subsides. Additional facial and body moisturizers are recommended for the rosy effect. Diana Stalder and Dermaline Skin Whitening Cream were originally intended for Philippine climate, which is hot and humid all year round, so it’s best to complement this with your favorite moisturizer - or use a sunscreen moisturizer with an SPF 30 or higher + UVA blocking sun protection and save yourself a step with your beauty routine. Avoid using moisturizers with strong exfoliating ingredients like retinol, alpha hydroxy or salicylic acid – or any acids/exfoliants. A word on the XL 500 gram size: Best if you prefer a stronger concentration for face AND body use, but not for facial use alone, because shelf life is two years after opening. You will not consume the whole pack if it's used for face only. You can mix the cream with the whitening lotion if you still have some left, but only immediately before application. Do NOT pre-mix and set aside for later use. Always do a skin patch test before use. Use sunscreen with UVA protection (UVA rays cause premature wrinkling, while UVB rays causes sunburn) or else the whole skin lightening process is futile. Even if you have sunscreen on, make it a habit to protect yourself physically from the sun through hats, sunglasses and long sleeved shirts because 50% of UVA rays occur in the shade. After a few applications of Diana Stalder or Dermaline Skin Whitening Cream, your skin might peel, itch or will seemingly get darker or ashier due to dead skin cells being resurfaced – these are normal side effects. Do not scratch or scrub your skin. Friction just darkens skin more. Very gently rub off peeling skin when you’re taking a bath. These products last approximately 3 weeks or more. Use until you achieve the desired skin tone. You may decrease usage once you achieve the color you want. If you have extremely or highly sensitive skin, these products are not for you. If prolonged irritation occurs, discontinue use. Return from Diana Stalder / Dermaline Skin Whitening Cream to a) Dermaline Skin Whitening Product Order Page b) Diana Stalder Skin Whitening Order Page


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